Here at SMART DCU we are trying to generate awareness of Social Media issues that exist for many students.

To begin with lets examine Cyberbulling.  While this blog is not exhaustive nor is it definitive it is our take on the topic and hopefully it will help you understand the problem and more importantly how to tackle it.

What is Cyberbullying? 

Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that occurs through the means of an electronic device. It can happen via Facebook, Twitter, MSN, Text Messages and Emails etc. Cyberbullying is when a person or a group of people target another person via social media accounts or contact them through their mobile phone or email with negative and/or upsetting messages. This could be implemented through the use of a picture message, text message, video or web link or by simply posting a message to someone’s Facebook wall or tagging them in an inappropriate photo without their consent. Cyberbullying can happen to anyone, at any age and is NOT something to be embarrassed about.

How does it occur? Isn’t it a problem only faced by children/young teenagers?                                                        

Cyberbullying occurs when a person is continuously being harassed on social media sites or through text messages and/or emails. As all age groups utilize social media it is not dependent on age and it is not exclusive to teens or children.

Cyberbullying coverage in the media

Websites such as Ask.Fm  have been at the centre of the Cyberbullying debate in Ireland. This website allows anonymous postings and it was linked to the death of at least one teenager earlier in the year.  However other Social Media networks such as Facebook and Twitter which are very popular amongst students especially those attending DCU (four out of the five members of SMART DCU regularly use and access both networks!) have also come under the Cyberbullying spot light. More recently bullying on Facebook led to the arrest of two girls.

What should you do if you are being bullied online?

If you are experiencing Cyberbullying, whether you are the victim or know of a group that are bullying someone close to you, follow these 5 steps;

  1. Contact someone who you are able to talk to e.g.  a parent/sibling/friend/relative or call one of the supports available in the Republic of Ireland:
    • 1Life – open 24 hours a day Call 1800 24 7 100 or Text ‘Help’ to 51444
    • Samaritans Call 1850 609090
    • Teenline Call 1800 833634
    • More info  on what to do or who to contact here
  2. Report the abuse through the relevant channels. More info here 
  3. Keep a log of all the abuse you have received. Screen grab and save the offending material if necessary.
  4. Block the person/people from seeing your social media accounts. You can also block them from calling or texting you.
  5. Keep your profile details private – check your settings and make sure only people you trust can see your information.
  6. Please do not suffer in silence. Ask for help.